
maandag 21 december 2015

Een kerstgroet

Ysa Pastora wenst al haar trouwe lezers een stemmig kerstfeest met de adembenemend diepte en liefelijkheid van de hymne “Hoor, smid van de hemelen”, uit het IJsland van de dertiende eeuw en getoonzet in de 20e. Gezongen door Ellen Kristjánsdóttir op haar album Sálmar (Psalmen). Voor alle gezindten.

I find this song to be so mystical for some reason. The words, the sound the lyrics and meaning all combined deliver this spine-tingling effect that I don't get from listening to many other songs. True beauty, 900 years and counting it's legacy lives on.” Kieran C.

Listen, smith of the heavens,
what the poet asks.
May softly come unto me
your mercy.
So I call on thee,
for you have created me.
I am thy slave,
you are my Lord.

God, I call on thee
to heal me.
Remember me, mild one,
most we need thee.
Drive out, oh king of suns,
generous and great,
every human sorrow
from the city of the heart.

Watch over me, mild one,
most we need thee,
truly every moment
in the world of men.
Send us, son of the virgin,
good causes,
all aid is from thee,

in my heart.

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